CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective 4th Edition by Neil Weste and David Harris presents broad and in-depth coverage of the entire field of modern CMOS VLSI Design. The authors draw upon extensive industry and classroom experience to introduce today’s most advanced and effective chip design practices.
Authors offer extensively updated coverage of every key element of VLSI design, and illuminate the latest design challenges with 65 nm process examples. This book contains unsurpassed circuit-level coverage, as well as a rich set of problems and worked examples that provide deep practical insight to readers at all levels.
This book offers a good review of basics as well as more advanced CMOS design. While some sections are very lacking in examples, there is a lot of good information buried in the reading which keeps it interesting enough to actually read through (assuming you are pretty into what you do/read). The HDL examples are useful if you have access to the design tools you need to actually play with.
Changes have been made throughout each chapter to cover the latest practical developments in chip design. Four new chapters: Delay; Power; Interconnect; and Robustness (Chapters 4-7). Previously, this material was covered in one chapter. Power consumption is introduced in Chapter 1, covered in depth in Chapter 5, and woven throughout the text as an equal partner to performance. Emphasis is on practical techniques used on commercial chips.
This book describes expanded coverage of clocking and I/O circuits used in modern systems. The VHDL and Verilog appendices are combined to offer side-by-side coverage of the two languages. SystemVerilog, the leading language for verification, is also introduced. The Table of Contents is reorganized to more closely follow a typical course syllabus.
Short biographies and photographs of influential figures are presented in the semiconductor world with chapter-length case study (Chapter 15) of the design of a commercial system-on-chip in a modern process, illustrating the practical methods and issues faced by designers. Circuit examples have been updated from 180 nm to 65 nm. For both introductory and advanced courses in VLSI design, this authoritative, comprehensive textbook is highly accessible to beginners, yet offers unparalleled breadth and depth for more experienced readers.
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